
When I was a young curious girl all I ever wanted was to grow up just so I could take my own decisions. Back then I wished for a fast forward button on time. As time passed and I grew and am still growing all what i’m discovering is that as you grow everything else grows with you. You don’t just grow physically and mentally, you also grow aware of the responsibilities that are growing at a faster rate than everything else. You realize that time is racing before your eyes and that all you have to do is to adapt to each and every stage of your own time called “life”.

As they say, each and every stage of life has its special touch. We are introduced to this world and from that moment our race with time starts. At first, it seems to be really slow because during the early stage of life others fill in our time. Gradually we get to understand what is time’s value and we start managing it. That’s when we start prioritizing, making lists, and following agendas. As we grow up we start a rather fond relationship with time. We try to enjoy every moment and that’s when we start to make “bucket” lists and say YOLO. When we pass adolescence we realize that we really do only live once and to make that once worthwhile we need to work hard. Meanwhile life starts striking us with opportunities, failures, successes,  troublesome days, and many other good and bad obstacles. Such obstacles slow us down against our race. At some point time becomes the enemy and all we want to do is to slow it down. But is time really the enemy? OR is it a magic potion to heal wounds (as some might believe)? Well to cut things short, time for me is a great teacher –  a teacher that challenges you, makes you work harder and harder to reach your goal, teaches you about the reality you live in, helps you grow out of your miseries, and learn from your mistakes.

Life is dynamic and time goes on… all that it takes is for us to be ready for the race and to grab each and every lesson we can from the best teacher of all times “time”.

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